Is a Trachte building always an E-house?
Generically speaking, we make an e-house (Electrical House), yet we use terms like enclosures, rooms, and control buildings interchangeably.
There are also several three letter acronyms to describe what we do:
- ECM = Electrical Control Module
- PCA = Power and Control Module
- PDC = Power Distribution Center
- IPA = Integrated Power Assembly
And tons more.
As a general rule of thumb, the term control building or control house often implies low voltage and typically a relay, protection, and control building, with voltages inside lower than 480VAC.
Most of what our integration team does is power integration, or voltages at 5,000VAC to 38,000 VAC. At that voltage level, the electrical equipment is more complex and heavier, also requiring heavier duty floors to limit deflection.
So generally speaking, everything we do is an e-house. While what we do for relay panel manufacturers and EPC firms is typically a control house and what we do for OEMs is considered a PDC or Power Distribution Center or Powerhouse, all are considered e-houses.
The best part is our solutions are not one size fits all. Let’s work together on your next project.